Accounting/finance is the language of business. I want to do more for those most interested in learning the language of business for the software industry. As the newsletter has grown and I add things (like public company deep dives and financial model templates), the number of reader questions/requests has grown a lot.
So I am adding a paid (premium) tier to provide more value to those who want it.
Here is a summary of what I am doing:
Free subscribers still get the same regular content
Premium subscribers also get:
Regular paid subscriber only content
Public company deep dives and learnings
Regular access to ask me questions - ask Finance Fabio a question for $11/month :)
Access to finance / accounting templates, models, policies, etc
And more to come…
Subscribe by Friday and save 25% for just $11/month.
Pro Tip: Get reimbursed for your OnlyCFO subscription from your company. If there isn’t an educational stipend then tell your CFO there should be! Everyone should understand finance.
Who Should Go Premium?
Probably everyone should….
But the most value will be for:
Software founders & leaders - you need to understand finance/accounting! Plus get templates to help run your company and departments.
Software industry operators. Make better decisions and become a leader by understanding finance.
Accountants and finance professionals - the templates/models and education are hopefully well worth the cost.
Investors in the software industry so you better understand the making of a great company.
Join the 11K+ very smart people reading OnlyCFO each week and learning more about the software industry.