Excellent post and one thing I would say broadly is less is more! 100 page board decks usually have less information than 20 because the 20 required distillation to all that happened in the quarter to the salient facts vs the 100 is just covering everything regardless of importance or changes.

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100% - reminds me of the Churchill quote: "If I had more time I would have written you a shorter letter".

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Management teams need to take the time to narrow down the board materials on what should be focused on and what is strategically important.

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I have never heard this! Stealing this quote for sometime in the future 🤣

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Using this right now to prepare for a board meeting!

You should do a post on the slides you include within a finance section...your typical flow

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That’s a good idea!

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Excellent writeup! a lot to learn and adopt. Thanks.

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