About the OnlyCFO Newsletter

Welcome to the self-proclaimed #1 technology finance & operations newsletter!

What to expect:

  • Free Subscribers: Regular articles covering the software industry with specific focus on finance and operations to help operators and investors better understand how the best companies are run.

  • Paid Subscribers:

    • Regular long-form education articles: Learnings from public company deep-dives, software financial education, etc

    • Software Trends & Insights: Analysis of public company stocks and current software company trends & insight

    • Author Q&A: Reach out to me anytime to ask questions and propose topics

Expensing the newsletter

Many subscribers can expense this newsletter to their company’s learning and development budget. Paid subscribers receive receipts for their subscription.

Check with your company about your education budget. Most have one but employees don’t know about it. Everyone should understand finance!

Group Subscriptions

Subscribe as a group and get 25% off the newsletter!

The admin of the group discount can purchase X annual seats for the group. They can then add/remove/replace people in the organization who receive newsletter issues.

Group Subscription

Regional Discounting

If you are based in a country other than the US or Western Europe, email me at onlyrealcfo@gmail.com with your country of residence to get a more affordable options.


Reach out to me at onlyrealcfo@gmail.com if you are unhappy with your subscription and want a refund. For annual subscribers, refunds will be provided within the first 30 days if you are unhappy. Please just let me know what I could have done better. Contact me at onlyrealcfo@gmail.com

Popular Articles

Here is some of my most popular articles over the past year:

How to Read Balance Sheets - Software Edition

2023: Year of Customer Success & Gross Churn

How to Read Income Statements - Software Edition

How to Trick Investors & VCs

Cloud Unit Economics

🔒Are IPOs Good Investments?

🔒Drivers of Valuation

🔒The Worst Performing Software Stock

🔒Confluent's Valuation Plunge | A Cautionary Tale for High-Growth Companies

Contact Me

If you have topic suggestions or if there is anything I can do to make the newsletter better then please reach out! onlyrealcfo@gmail.com

Subscribe to OnlyCFO's Newsletter

Weekly newsletter on software industry metrics, finance, strategy and operations. What you need to know to be a successful leader.


Finance, tech, and startups